Natural Forests in Victoria's Central Highlands are under threat from logging operations occurring in Melbourne's water catchments. The high carbon storage of Mountain Ash (Eucalyptus regnans) forests, wildlife habitat and the drinking water for over 4 million people is being compromised.

Where do we go now?

Despite the threat of rain, train delays and limited car parking in Warburton the rally was a huge success! Concerned groups and individuals came out in droves to make a stand for native forests. Fantastic speeches were made, songs were sung, friends were made and money was raised. To find out how you can become involved contact the organisations below and help make sure Victoria's native forests are protected.

Keith Sarah
Warburton Environment

Sarah Rees

The Wilderness Society
Ph: 9038 0888

The Rally

The rally in Warburton took place on the 23rd of November 2008. Passionate local community members, celebrities and environmentalists came together to celebrate and highlight the role native forests play in providing Melbourne and regional communities with a clean water supply, regulating our global climate and providing habitat for biodiversity.

Our Forests

Forests of Victoria's Central Highlands are a unique, diverse, beautiful and incredibly important natural wonder. They are home to many native species of plants and animals including the Spotted-tailed Quoll, the Sooty Owl and the Leadbeaters Possum. Protecting, restoring and reconnecting vast landscapes will save important habitat and help plants and animals to move and adapt to climate change.

Our Climate

Forests play a major role in reducing climate change. Forests are giant carbon pumps which draw in carbon from the air and pump it into the soil, trunks and branches over hundreds of years.

Mountain Ash Forests in Victoria are a huge carbon store. Logging releases 40-60% of this carbon in the form of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere- contributing to climate change! It takes 152 years for the new forests to grow and recapture only 90% of the carbon emitted.
Previously these forests have not been valued adequately for their role in carbon storage, partly because carbon stocks have been underestimated by national and international studies.

Our Water

Our catchments, where our water comes from, are being logged! The water supply for over 4 million people is being compromised because of logging operations. Logging is concentrated in the areas of highest rainfall, the logged area is burnt and then replanted with thirsty new trees meaning Melburnians are losing 1,000 litres of drinking water every second!